Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just Why Do We Need Glutathione?

In her latest book, Breakthrough, Suzanne Somers interviewed the inventor and CEO of the LifeWave patches, David Schmidt, and asked him about the glutathione booster patch, one of the most popular of all the patch systems. Because there are so many toxins in our environment, it is helpful to raise the glutathione levels in our body and this patch does that. As you may know, glutathione is the body's major antioxidant and increasing those levels can only help us. Suzanne asked David why we need to keep those levels elevated:

"DS: One of the things that doctors have substantiated is that how long you live is directly proportional to how high you can keep your glutathione levels.

SS: That's quite a statement. I know that glutathione is a powerful master antioxidant.

DS: Yes. Antioxidants protect out intercellular fluids and our intercellular environment from free-radical damage. And, of course, if we want to hold off the ravages of aging, then we should all be concerned with our whole blood levels of glutathione.

SS: Is this because we are being bombarded with so many toxins in this new world?

DS: Yes, As a result, individuals' glutathione levels are depressed compared to what they were many years ago. So with today's toxic environment we have to have new strategies implemented daily to protect us from these harmful toxins.

SS: This is more than exciting. You have recognized the existing threat of the damaging and harmful effects of toxins and chemicals on the body and this is your answer: the magic bullet.

DS: Yes, we have to do something. Pharmaceuticals are not the answer for everything. We are getting hundreds of environmental toxins introduced into our bodies from the food we eat and the air we breathe, and some of these are in the form of heavy metals, plastics, and pesticides. It is no longer good enough just to take a vitamin pill to elevate our antioxidants; now we have to be concerned with protecting our bodies from free-radical damage, keeping our liver clean, and keeping the heavy metals out of our bodies.

SS: And your glutathione patch can do that, keep the liver clean and kill free radicals?

DS: Yes, the liver is a big part of it, and we know that we find elevated levels of glutathione in the liver. We also know that the liver has multiple pathways for keeping the blood clean, and glutathione is one of the predominant pathways. And we know that glutathione's traditional benefit has been in removing heavy metals and protecting the body from free radicals, so yes to your questions."

©Suzanne Somers 2008

Suzanne's book is one of the more fascinating ones of the past 6 months. To read more of her interview with David and the rest of her advice on living a healthy life, you can get it here: I highly recommend it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Suzanne and David Talk Glutathione

If any of you have watched the Larry King Show recently, you probably saw Suzanne Somers talking all about her new book, 'Breakthrough.' She talked a lot about the LifeWave patches and how highly she thinks of them.

One of the patches in the Y-Age system is the Glutathione Booster patch. As glutathione is in the news a lot these days, I would like to share some of Suzanne's interview with David Schmidt, founder, inventor and CEO of LifeWave. Suzanne herself has had glutathione drips and asks David about that.

"SS: So if you have a patch that elevates glutathione (which I know you do), instead of going to the antiaging doctor and getting an intravenous drip of glutathione for detoxification purposes, we simply take this patch and place as instructed on our body and our body heat activates the wavelengths of light that trigger the cells in the body that make glutathione? Did I get it?
DS: Exactly. You get an "A."
SS: Well, the glutathione patch is such an interesting way to detoxify the body,
in fact downright exciting. A breakthrough!.
DS: Yes, because a glutathione drip has a half-life of somewhere around seven to ten minutes, one hour after your drip, your blood glutathione is back to normal--which is worth it from the standpoint of cleaning out heavy metals. It is extremely safe and it saves people's lives. If we are interested in detoxifying the body of heavy metals, a glutathione drip is worth it; however, if we are interested in keeping our glutathione levels elevated on a regular basis as an antiaging strategy, our patch is the only way to do it."
©2008 Suzanne Somers

This is such a fascinating book that Suzanne has written. If you want to read the rest of her interview with David Schmidt, you can get the book on sale now at Amazon. Just go here:

Cats live in Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

Cats live in Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires
copyright 2007, Heidi Walter

Iguazu Falls from the Brazil side

Iguazu Falls from the Brazil side
copyright 2007 Heidi Walter