Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weight Loss Patch

For those of you interested in taking off a few pounds, LifeWave has just come out with a patch that when placed on a certain acupuncture point, sends a message to the body to suppress appetite and cravings. People who've worn it notice that they simply feel full most of the time and have none of their usual cravings for sweets or other unhealthy foods.

The new patch is called SP6, which stands for Spleen 6, the acupuncture point on the leg that it's placed on.

This patch has just become available, so it's still early days. But as I get more and more response from users, I'll be posting their comments.

If you'd like to try it out, go ahead and order some here: - Just click SHOP.

To your good health,


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Cats live in Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

Cats live in Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires
copyright 2007, Heidi Walter

Iguazu Falls from the Brazil side

Iguazu Falls from the Brazil side
copyright 2007 Heidi Walter